Mildred Dresselhaus

I was commissioned to illustrate the #flatmillie character for the 2019 APS conference which took place in Boston, Massachusetts, March 4-8 2019. APS encouraged attendees to take pictures of the cutout character and post them on social media using the hashtag #flatmillie. My illustration was also used to promote the Millie Dresselhaus Fund for Science & Society. The Fund endows an annual lectureship at the Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), provides travel grants for undergraduate women, and supports the annual prize. The Mildred Dresselhaus Prize in Nanoscience or Nanomaterials is the first APS prize named in honor of a woman.

The character illustration was based on the legendary Mildred “Millie” Dresselhaus, who made important contributions to science through her work deciphering the secrets of carbon, discoveries on the electronic structure of semimetals, and work on nanomaterials and other nonstructural systems. She was an inspiration and mentor to many young women and men that became scientists themselves.

I am so happy my illustration was part of a project that not only celebrates the achievements of a remarkable woman, but also supports the next generation of scientists and engineers. Below is the final illustration and tweets from the conference using the hashtag #flatmillie.

Client: American Physical Society

Scope: Character Illustration

APS Millie Dresselhaus Fund for Science & Society Webpage

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