
PhysicsQuest is a middle school workbook kit that makes learning physics fun and interactive by introducing students to basic concepts through hands-on experiments and by highlighting the work of various physicists. The kits also come with teacher guides that include detailed implementation notes and fillable PDFs for students.

Client: American Physical Society

Scope: Cover Art Illustration

I had the privilege of illustrating the cover art for three PhysicsQuest workbooks:

In 2019, I illustrated the cover featuring Dr. Chin-Shiung Wu, the first lady of physics known for her meticulous work in experimental nuclear physics during the World War II top-secret Manhattan Project. You can find the archive of the workbook on the APS website.

In 2021, I illustrated the cover featuring Dr. Deborah Jin, a quantum scientist who used lasers and magnets to cool down atoms and create new states of matter. You can find the archive of the workbook on the APS website.

In 2022, I illustrated the cover featuring six different scientists: Kate McAlpine, Caprice Phillips, Dr. Jocelyn Bell Burnell, Deborah Berebichez, and Dr. Sylvester James Gates. The workbook is currently available on the APS website.

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